

问:圣经故事 英文
  1. 答:《锋乎中英文电闹基埋子液蚂圣经V1.0》(Chinese-English Bible)v1.0
  1. 答:IS great round world, on which we live, is very old; so old that no one knows when it was made. But long before there was any earth, or sun, or stars, God was living, for God never began to be. He always was. And long, long ago, God spoke, and the earth and the heavens came. But the earth was not beautiful as it is now, with mountains and valleys, rivers and seas, with trees and flowers. It was a great smoking ball, with land and water mingled in one mass. And all the earth was blacker than midnight, for there was no light upon it. No man could have breathed its air, no animals could walk upon it, and no fish could swim in its black oceans. There was no life upon the earth.
  1. 答:问题是荒凉山庄,答案是双城记。。。o(╯□╰)o
